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pipistrema118The overwhelming European sense of guilt, since nurtured by their actual misdeed of having been silent bystanders of the Nazi horrors, has been so far the counterbalance to the Israeli crimes. The “anti-Semitism” sword of Damocles has become therefore part of European lazyness and of its DNA. That’s it.
Walt and Mearsheimer described the Israel Lobby in the USA as “loosely organized groups working assiduously for Israel”, no talk of plot. And in fact, who needs a cabal, whereas you can do everything in sunlight? Specularly, who needs an anti-Semitic discourse to nail the Israeli leaderships and their unmindful people to their responsibilities?
To be clear, there’s no need of elaborating any further conspiracy theories, nor motive to expose the daily Israeli arrogance towards their neighbours as a worldwide plot, whereas the Jewish state keeps exploiting, by deception, a free pass to fully pursue any aggression. I stress, by deception, that does not necessarily imply any global conspiracy.
Notwithstanding the conspicuous Israeli exploitation of its closure has been sold as the fear for anti-Semite feelings, it gains otherwise its real origin from the convenient redrawing of a Jewish identity on other people’s soil, a fact that should have little to do with an obsolete racist ideal, if not for greed that easily (and generally) leads hatred towards the different and the weakest.
A discourse made for countering the poison of the antisemythic acting to its actual aim could be the primary antidote against the irresponsible general alignment to the Israeli policies in order to devaluate the credit card obtained on the Western shoulders, that then could hastily exhaust its supply before being lethal for the world as a whole. And I’m thinking of the rampant backbiting against Iran’s alleged nuclear attitude.
Provided, then, that in the long run, the Israeli rabid redraft won’t spread out of the new ghetto that was maliciously injected into the Palestinian land. The same in which they have voluntarily caged themselves together with the Arab sacrifical victim and with cheers from the whole bunch of the western hypocrites that form to date the blindest Israel Lobby. The latter a real conspiracy of fear and taboo.

Written by pipistro

October 30, 2013 at 9:29 pm